Best Deals Doulton W9121709 10" Super Sterasyl Ceramic Filter Candle-Pack of 4
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Deal 2012 Doulton W9121709 10"
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Here are some of the great features of Doulton W9121709 10" Super Sterasyl Ceramic Filter Candle-Pack of 4
Doulton W9121709 10", Doulton 10" Super Sterasyl ceramic candle. Removes bacteria and chemicals from water. Nut and rubber washer included. Fits Aqua Cera LP5 filters. Too long for Berkefeld and Doulton stainless water filters. Pack of 4.
Best Deals Doulton W9121709 10". Best Deals Doulton W9121709 10" Super Sterasyl Ceramic Filter Candle-Pack of 4. Order Today with Free & Fast Shipping. Hurry to Get Discount Price of Your Order!