Buy Cheap Directions East WS-01 Z Mobile Workstation Finish: Cherry
I've deep researched information about Directions East WS-01 Z Mobile Workstation Finish: Cherry. So, I guarantee that here is the cheapest Directions East WS-01 with special offers you can't miss. That's why most people buy Directions East through this page.
Where to Buy
Purchase through this link to get your Directions East WS-01 at at great price now. Click here to take advantage of this great price.
Here are some of the great features of Directions East WS-01 Z Mobile Workstation Finish: Cherry
Directions East , Directions East WS-01 The simple and contemporary Z Mobile design is the perfect laptop workstation for any room! The entire unit is lightweight and has sturdy wheels . Comes with pull out drawer for storage and legs are designed to fit in fron of almost any chair. The unique tops is height adjustable to suit ones needs. Cherry or maple veneer on carb compliant sturdy mdf. Features: -Choice of cherry or maple finish. - Pull out drawer and bottom shelf for storage. - Entire top adjusts in Height from 24-30" by pulling out and adjusting the drawer. - Legs are designed to fit almost any chair. - Sturdy wheels and lightweight design allow it to be easily moved from room to room. - Overall dimensions: 34" H x 20" W x 18" D. Finish: Cherry
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